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Upsell Shopping Experience

Anchor 1

Project: Design features that allow the user to easily customize gift box and select multiple products without leaving product page

My Role: UX Research & Design



User Stories

Sarah persona

Sarah, an online shopper, likes to gift her friends with care packages. She is looking for sites where she can curate the gift box based on special occasions. However, Sarah can be impatient and likes her transactions to be simple and intuitive.


She'd prefer to add multiple products without ever leaving the product page. Although she doesn't mind scrolling down a product page, Sarah loses attention fast and needs to know exactly what you're offering right out the gate. If it's too difficult to navigate, Sarah will not become a repeat shopper. 

Sharon, the e-commerce owner, wants shoppers to engage longer on PDP/PIP and add additional items to their cart. She understands it's important to let shoppers know what to expect with engaging content and call-to-actions above the fold. The current page design requires shoppers to toggle through multiple drop-down menus in order to select items to be added to their gift box. Aaren sees this as a roadblock to an enjoyable customer experience and an opportunity to test enhancements to the site.

Objective 1: Extend customer engagement time to increase add-to-cart rate

Integrate Pop-up Display

Define each use case in terms of the product category type. (For example, a category/gift item add-on/greeting card) Incorporate a graphical pop-up display to upsell relevant products, cross-sell, and/or offer premium services such as gift wrapping.


Identify the Desired Customer Behavior

Customer adds item to cart, a pop-up window with add-on product appears, customer adds additional item(s) to cart, views cart, and chooses to include gift wrap.

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Objective 2: Provide a localized store experience when customizing gift box

Conduct Competitive Analysis

Examined the market for e-retailers that also provide customizable gift boxes. I shopped comparable sites to better understand the customer journey and the layout of product pages.


Outline Findings

​Most competitors had a 4-step process for customizing a gift box (i.e., selecting a box style, adding products, selecting a card, and adding gift wrap options). As products are added, the items are displayed in a live feed with the total cost shown at the bottom. Their dynamic design mimics placing gift items into an actual box, creating a rewarding customer experience.


Mockup MVP

Creating a custom product page or integrating a custom app to duplicate the journey seen on competitor sites would require a large investment of time and money. Before committing to a design, I will experiment with 2 versions of the product page in order to first prove it's valuable to the customer. This should reduce friction in the experience, promote add-ons above the fold, and increase the add-to-cart rate. 

Create Lo-Fi Mockups

Test (A): Replace drop-down menus with variant SKUs displayed as image thumbnails. 

Test (B): Create product bundle sets and include an option to add card/gift wrap in the form of Super SKUs

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